Kotti's bad takes on games

Previously played

Date 🔻GameRatingCommentsFinishedVods
Ongoing or soon™
04 Aug 2024
- It's good, but not as good as DMC3
- Dante's Royalguard didn't feel as good to use as in 3, but Nero's Exceed pretty much made up for it. Also, Nero had a dropkick. Therefore Nero > Dante.
- Being able to switch Dante's styles more freely was great, but his moveset felt a little worse compared to DMC3
- Devil Trigger is still cheating, fight me
Devil Hunter (12h)
26 Jul 2024Mind altering.Finished (1h)Not streamed
16 Jul 2024
- Felt a lot longer than it really was, exhausting to play
- Extremely loud despite seemingly missing a ton of sound effects and music
- Ugly for intended and unintended reasons as the camera was never still and the texture resolution couldn't be set above medium without the game crashing
- Was there a story?
- The decision to make Lynch playable made no sense, the one main appeal of K&L1 was that you're teaming up with a loose cannon lunatic. On the other hand switching to Kane for the final mission made no sense either.
- Crashed at least twice in as many hours, and didn't work properly with multiple monitors
- In some twisted way I can respect the commitment to being as obnoxious as possible in every conceivable way
Normal (2.5h)
15 Jul 2024
- Cool atmosphere
- Broken mechanics, in a good way
- Minimal UI with diegetic elements looked good
- The early game was definitely the best part, and the later parts couldn't quite live up to it
Finished (10h)
08 Jul 2024Maybe I'm not smart enough for this or this game isn't very strategic. The winning move seemed to be just grinding out the biggest possible horde of wolcupines and have them march into the enemy base in a conga line.Did not finish (2.5h)
08 Jul 2024
- The gimmick of enemies copying your actions and reseting periodically was an interesting gameplay twist and solved one of the more difficult problem a lot of stealth games have by giving the player a good path to recovery without it being free of consequences
- The HUD-sphere was a pretty good way to indicate where enemies were
- More challenging than most stealth games
- Terrible storytelling, endless exposition filled walk-n-talks. The first 45 minutes were especially bad.
- Environments looked nice, but were repetitive. Abstract mazes don't make for interesting objectives in the long run.
- Sneaky ✔️
Hard (7h)
05 Jul 2024
- The puzzles were definitely made with quantity rather than quality in mind and range from "barely functional" to "pretty clever" and with a lot of non-puzzles in between. It's not necessary a bad thing either, sometimes solving a bunch of trivial "puzzles" is what you need.
- The world looks nice which adds to the comfy little-thinking-required puzzles
- The UI is dreadful, bloated, and detracts from the comfy feel. It made tracking things clumsy and made me not want to continue after finishing the main quest.
- The supposed multiplayer aspect adds exactly nothing to the game. At least it's getting an offline mode.
Main quest? (16h)Not streamed
28 Jun 2024
Used its chosen platform of a Doom wad to do something unconventional to near perfection. Pretty skyboxes and a banging soundtrack.Ultra-Violence (3.5h)
27 Jun 2024
- Looked good and clear despite all the debris. The action was fast and fun. The OST had some great tracks.
- Windows absorbing the first bullet that hit them felt dumb. Sometimes the enemies were too far off screen. The perfect aim challenge felt unreasonable compared to the other two challenges. The boss concept was neat, but not neat enough to be worth repeating multiple times. The story was obviously not important but the way it was told was still really boring.
Medium (3.5h)Not streamed